Thursday, March 31, 2011

Black Box, Nambour - March 27th, 2011

 The Ailment, In Hearts Wake:

Due to the mishap the night before, I headed up to Nambour on the Sunshine Coast so that I could still catch In Hearts Wake and The Ailment as part of the Dreamcatcher tour. There is still time for anyone on the Gold Coast to catch them tomorrow however.

The Ailment:

The Ailment

The Ailment

The Ailment

The Ailment

The Ailment

The Ailment

The Ailment

The Ailment

The Ailment

The Ailment

In Hearts Wake:

In Hearts Wake

In Hearts Wake

In Hearts Wake

In Hearts Wake

In Hearts Wake

In Hearts Wake


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Expressive Grounds - March 26th, 2011:

Kings At Heart, Emerald Vale, Prepared Like A Bride but no Ailment or In Hearts Wake:

So I'm guessing you know what I am talking about, for those that don't:

A kid lost his shit in the m0sh pit for Prepared Like A Bride, resulting in the exploding of the knee caps. He couldn't really be moved, the ambulance took over 9000 years to rock up and due to the time delays and such, the rest of the night had to be called off. Now, it wasn't this kids fault, it was just an unfortunate event. A free show with the same line up is in the works and should be announced in the next couple of weeks though!

Kings At Heart:
These guys definitely know how to get it moving, they kicked the night of goodly.

Kings At Heart

Kings At Heart

Kings At Heart

Kings At Heart

Kings At Heart

Kings At Heart

Kings At Heart

Emerald Vale:
Their new EP 'Deception' should be dropping within the next 4 years, those paying with credit cards will receive a free copy of Zane Keating's instructional DVD, entitled 'Superior Vocal Technique: Master The Inhale'.

Emerald Vale

Emerald Vale

Emerald Vale

Emerald Vale

Emerald Vale

Emerald Vale

Emerald Vale

Emerald Vale

Emerald Vale

Emerald Vale

Prepared Like A Bride:
Child killers.

Prepared Like A Bride

Prepared Like A Bride

Prepared Like A Bride

Prepared Like A Bride

Prepared Like A Bride

Prepared Like A Bride


Banora Point Highschool - March 2th, 2011

4 Dead In 5 Seconds, Rampage!, The Lions War, Poseidon, The Bride, Buried In Verona:

Verona came through on their national tour, bringing The Bride along with them. Mad turn out for a Friday show, props to all the bands too.

4 Dead In 5 Seconds:

4 Dead In 5 Seconds

4 Dead In 5 Seconds

4 Dead In 5 Seconds

4 Dead In 5 Seconds

4 Dead In 5 Seconds

Gatorade powered.





Rampage! 5422


The Lions War:
All the way from Bundy, these dudes are rad, and so was their set.

The Lions War

The Lions War

The Lions War

The Lions War






The Bride:

The Bride

The Bride

The Bride

The Bride

The Bride

Buried In Verona:

Buried In Verona

Buried In Verona

Buried In Verona

Buried In Verona

Buried In Verona
